- It's not a new topic to do some research on Bing Xin's poetic creation, but there's very few achievement about Bing Xin from the point of medio-translatology. 摘要对冰心诗歌创作的研究本无新意,但从译介学的角度对之加以论证的却不多见。
- Bing Xin's poetic creation 冰心诗歌创作
- Abstract: The thesis introduces the creation of Bing Xin Literary Hall. 文摘:介绍了冰心文学馆的创作构思。
- A study of Bing Xin's children's literature. 冰心儿童文学研究。
- This paper discusses the effects of the two world wars on Hughes's poetic creation and explores the close link between the contemporary English history and Ted Hughes' s poetry. 本文试论战争这一历史事件对休斯诗歌创作的影响及在休斯诗中的体现,讨论休斯诗歌与英国当代社会历史的紧密联系。
- Briefly Discussion on Aesthetic Characteristics of Bing Xin's Short Poem. 论冰心小诗的美学特征。
- Mu Dan s early poetic creation is reflective of the alien relation between the poet and the external world, which is the basis for Mu Dan to accept the impact of Chinese and foreign modernist poetic tradition. 穆旦早期的诗歌作品,表现了诗人与世界之间的异己性关系。 这种异己性关系是穆旦接受中外现代主义诗歌传统影响的基础。
- Cashing in on poems, articles and narrations, Bing Xin managed to whip imperialism and different forms of feudalism. 她写了诗歌,文章和故事,以抨击帝国主义和各种形式的封建主义。
- M: Great! I can read some works of modern authors like Lu Xun, Lao She, Ba Jin and Bing Xin etc, right? 棒极了!我能看到鲁迅、舍、金和冰心等现代作家的一些作品,对吗?
- Bing Xin (1900 -1999), originally known as Xie Wanying, was from a naval officer's family in Changle, Fujian. 冰 心(1900-1999)福建长乐人。 原名谢婉莹。 出生于海军军官家庭。
- Great! I can read some works of modern authors like Lu Xun, Lao She, Ba Jin and Bing Xin etc, right? 棒极了!我能看到鲁迅、老舍、巴金和冰心等现代作家的一些作品,对吗?
- By all this, the author airs his opinions about the background of prosperous poetic creation in the High Tang period. 本文从李林甫与盛唐诗坛的关系这个角度 ,对盛唐诗歌之盛的背景也提出了一些看法。
- Many great writers, such as Lu Xun, Mao Dun and Bing Xin, will always live in the hearts of Chinese people. 许多伟大作家如鲁迅、茅盾和冰心将永远活在中国人民的心中。
- Pound’s poetic works include twelve volumes of verse which were later collected and published in Collected Early Poems of Ezra Pound, and Personae. 庞德的诗作包括十二卷诗集,后以《埃兹拉 .;庞德早期诗集》,《人物》的书名出版。
- "Elegance and exquisiteness" has been an impression of readers for Bing Xin's writing style. 摘要关于冰心作品的文体一般读者已经有了一个模式化的记忆,即“典雅清丽”。
- Roethke's life of poetic creation may be justifiably referred to as a trip of psychic "regression" as a whole. 罗特克的诗歌反映了荣格的回归、情结、阿尼玛原型、阴影原型、自性原型等心理学观点,其诗歌创作便是一个完整的心灵“回归”历程。
- Dark gaunt, static lock chaste, feelings are a storm, blue dream ZhuLei to bing xin also sealed tears. 深闺静锁暗憔悴;真情难测一朝事;风雨欲来烛泪残;蓝梦冰心亦封泪.
- Abstract:Yi Shunding is a high achiever of landscape poetic creation in modern China. 摘要:近代诗人易顺鼎的山水诗创作成绩斐然,称盛当时。
- However,Walker's literary career began with poetic creation which goes through her life. 然而,沃克的文学生涯却是从诗歌创作开始的,而且,诗歌创作贯穿了她的一生。
- Chapter 2 displays the connection between Christian culture and LRA member writers represented by Bing Xin, Lu Yin, Xu Dishan, Lao She and Zhou Zuoren. 第二章展现了冰心、庐隐、许地山、老舍、周作人为代表的文学研究会作家群的经历与基督教文化的关系。